Wednesday 30 August 2017

What are the different uses for gas turbines?

if you want to know, What are the different uses for gas turbines then you came to right place because this gas turbine power plant lecture is about applications of gas turbine. The continued developments in gas turbine materials toward increasing the turbine inlet temperature and improving the components efficiency over the past decade has enlarged the spectrum of gas turbine applications to area such as power generation, utility industry, space, marine, automotive propulsion etc.. The main reasons of such a wide popularity being employed by the gas turbine is its advantages of simplicity, high power/weight ratio, smooth running, less maintenance, multi-fuel capability for combined cycle and reliability. The gas turbine applications can be divided in the following categories: 1) For electric power generation: The gas turbine are very popular for electric power generation because of the ability of starting and brought up-to full load quickly less cost of installation and maintenance. - Majority of the gas turbine power plants are used for peak load service with other types of power plants(steam and hydro power plants) - A large number of gas turbine power plants is also used as stand by power plants in hydro electric power plants. - Gas turbine power plants are also used as base load power plants where fuel oil or natural gas are cheap and easily available, water supply is scarce and load factor is very low(15-18%) - Now a day gas turbine plants are used to operate as combustion plants with steam plants, called as combined cycle power plant. 2) For jet propulsion engine: Every turbojet and turbo-propeller engine has a gas turbine. The turbine supplies power only to drive the air compressor in the turbojet engines while in the turbo propeller engines they may drive the propeller in addition to the compressor. 3) For supercharging: A small gas turbine run by the hot exhaust gases which is used to run supercharger(compressor) for aviation gasoline engines and for heavy duty diesel engines. 4) For marine field: A gas turbine can be also used for propulsion of ships or power generation on the ships. 5) Railway and road transport: Gas turbine can be also used for rail propulsion and high speeds road vehicles like racing cars. 6) Industry: Gas turbine are also employed for industrial applications like blast of air for blast furnace in steel industries, oil and other chemical industries. Gas turbine is also used to supply preheated combustion air, hot gases for an industrial process in petrochemical industries.

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